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Iran, Turkmenistan Agree on Closer Media Ties at ABU General Assembly

The president of the Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting (IRIB) met senior Turkmen officials on the side-lines of the recently held Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union’ Genral Assembly, negotiating agreements on bilateral media interaction, including joint production of TV series.

IRIB chief Abdol Ali Aliasgari was in Turkmenistan’s capital Ashgabat to attend the 55th Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union General Assembly and Associated Meetings.

After taking part in the event, Mr Aliasgari held meetings with ranking officials from Turkmenistan, including Vice-President Responsible for Culture and Media, Bakhargul Abdyeva.

The IRIB chief then held talks with Turkmenistan’s minister of communication, the presidents of Japan’s NHK broadcasting organization and of China’s CCTV, and head of Turkmenistan’s state TV and radio organization.