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Protection of academic heritage in the Middle East

Last week, the Council of Turkish Higher Education (YÖK) hosted under the auspices of the presidency of the Turkish republic an important conference titled the “Project for Protecting Academic Heritage in the Middle East.” 

In collaboration with the Turkish Radio Television Corporation (TRT) and Anadolu Agency (AA), the project was coordinated by professor Zeliha Kocak Tufan, a member of YÖK’s supervisory board, and the conference was attended by Vice President Fuat Oktay, YÖK’s head Yekta Saraç, ambassadors, rectors and representatives of Turkish universities, along with Syrian academicians and Syrian students living in Turkey. 

Within the scope of the project, participants watched the heart-wrenching stories of Syrian refugee scholars and students at Turkish universities, filmed by TRT and supported with pictures from AA, followed by protocol speeches in accordance with the content of the project and the conference.