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ABU runs ground-breaking podcasting residential

Think with your ears.

That was the key message from Associate Professor Siobhan McHugh to ABU members attending a ground-breaking podcasting residential at the University of Wollongong in Australia.

Eight broadcasters from China Radio International, the Voice of Vietnam, IPPTAR (Malaysia) and Vietnam Television not only learned how to unlock the power of podcasting but also worked towards the ABU’s first ever podcasting series, an eight-episode production “Stories from the Heart”.

Dr McHugh said she was thrilled with the results of a very full but productive week, covering everything from writing and hosting a podcast, recording personal interviews, editing for pace and texture and using sound and music to help bring a story alive.

“It was fantastic to learn that despite cultural and linguistic differences, we speak a universal language of audio storytelling,” she said. “After a week of incredibly intensive teaching and learning about the art and craft of podcasting, and at a few seconds to 5pm on the last day, we mixed the final showreel – a nine-minute teaser tapestry of beautiful ‘Stories from the Heart’.”

ABU Head of Radio Olya Booyar said the joint initiative marked an important milestone for the Union and the members involved.

“Podcasting is a relatively new form of crafted audio storytelling for the Asia-Pacific region and it is the format that most readily connects with audiences,” she said. “The partnership with the University of Wollongong has allowed us to access world-class facilities and experts that have unleashed the power of this new medium for our participating members.”

The showreel can be heard here and the ABU expects to develop a full series next year.

Stay tuned!