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URTI – 39th International Grand Prix for Author’s Documentary

The International Radio and Television Union (of which the seat is in France) has been organising since 1981, under the name INTERNATIONAL URTI GRAND PRIX FOR AUTHOR’S DOCUMENTARY, an annual competition destined to reward – in the exclusive field of the author’s documentary – television productions corresponding to the goals pursued by URTI.

The object of this Grand Prix is to:

  • Promote the genre of the author’s documentary, including the fiction documentary,
  • Single out the originality of the subject and its treatment which has to reflect an approach, a work and an author’s point of view, when it is a documentary selected by URTI in the framework of its Grand Prix,
  • Favour the expression of humanistic values of tolerance and respect between men, of peace, friendship and understanding between peoples
  • Reject all sorts of propaganda in any form,
  • Ensure a widened international broadcast of the programmes having gained the statute of finalist, and notably of the prize-awarded works.

For further info and to participate, please see: