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Russia 1 TV channel of RTR, hosts live broadcast of Concert- WE ARE TOGETHER

On April 11, the Russia 1 TV channel gave a live broadcast of the Concert-Marathon WE ARE TOGETHER. Dozens of famous artists performed on the historic stage of the Bolshoi Theater in front of an absolutely empty auditorium. Through their creativity they expressed the feelings now shared by everybody in our country. This is deep gratitude to the Russian doctors who are fearlessly fighting for the lives of patients with COVID-19, to the volunteers who are taking care of people in the at risk group, and to everyone who are working to ensure that life in the cities and towns of Russia goes on.

That day, the audience felt that barriers and distances did not exist. If people could not be together in the physical sense and come on stage, technology can help to convey the warmth of their hearts. So, Denis Matsuev reached out from his home city of Irkutsk in Siberia and played several pieces for the whole country.

The Russia 1 TV channel and the Bolshoi Theater gave Russians the opportunity to see  performances of award-winning artists, whose concerts are near-impossible to attend in ordinary life. Outstanding ballet dancers presented the viewers with their hits: Sergei Polunin danced to globally famous Take Me to Church and Svetlana Zakharova performed Revelation.

The three-hour concert-marathon WE ARE TOGETHER was broadcast on Russia 1 TV channel. The viewers could watch the concert online on websites and, on YouTube and on the webpage of Russia 1 TV channel, in Vkontakte network as well. The audio version was broadcast by Radio Mayak, Radio Russia and Radio Kultura (Radio Culture). Russia 1 TV channel and the Bolshoi Theater with the support of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation organized the concert WE ARE TOGETHER.