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NBC PNG Launches Transmitter Projects

The Papua New Guinea National Broadcasting Corporation launches a million kina transmitter project to improve the National Radio Service in the entire Highlands and parts of the Momase region.

Eastern Highlands province which shares borders with Highlands and Momase regions will host the transmitter at Fimito.The NBC Fimito Medium Wave Transmitter project will also benefit parts of the Momase region, as well as the Gulf province.

Information and Communication Technology Minister Timothy Masiu and Eastern Highlands Governor Peter Numu officially did the groundbreaking ceremony at Fimito a few kilometers out of Goroka town. The ICT Minister was accompanied by Goroka MP Aiye Tambua, NBC Board Chairman Paius Tikili, and the NBC Senior Management.

Minister Masiu said Papua New Guineans still lack vital information and communication services.

This is largely due to the aging existing NBC communication infrastructure around the country including that of the Highlands region hence Radio Services via NBC provincial stations network to some parts of the country were affected.

Minister Masiu a former NBC Broadcaster said, with the installation of the new transmitter, it will substantially increase the National Radio Service in Highlands provinces, as well as Morobe, Madang, and the Gulf Provinces.

Governor of Eastern Highlands Province Peter Numu when officiating the groundbreaking ceremony said he believes in Information and Communication service as people need to be better informed in order to make informed decisions.

He added that people need to stay informed every day with the latest local and international news and current affairs, as well as vital educational programs to educate themselves.

The newly-elected member for Goroka, Aiye Tambua said he stands ready to assist NBC Eastern Highlands.