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2020 ABU Engineering Awards

The 2020 Technical Awards were held virtually on 24 November during the ABU Technical Committee.

The ABU Broadcast Engineering Excellence Award, which recognises contributions of an outstanding nature in broadcast engineering made by an individual in a broadcasting organisation was awarded to Mr Iwaki Masakazu of NHK-Japan.  Mr Iwaki is Senior Director at Senior Director of NHK Engineering System Inc and won the award for his promotion of AI technologies for programme production and his outstanding contributions to the ABU Technical Committee and ABU activities.

The ABU Engineering Industry Excellence Award, which recognises the most outstanding engineering contribution made by an individual to the broadcasting industry in the region, was awarded to Ms Zhang Hong, Director General, Radio and Television Administration of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, RTPRC-China who won the award for her outstanding leadership of the broadcasting industry of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region.

The ABU Green Broadcast Engineering Award recognises outstanding contributions in developing, implementing and/or promoting green technology in the broadcasting industry.  The 2020 winner was the Radio, Film & TV Design and Research Institute, China who won the award for promoting environmental protection measures and green initiatives in the design and construction of the Guangzhou TV Tower.

The sponsor of the 2020 ABU Green Broadcast Engineering Award is KOBA.  We highly appreciate their support.  Our thanks also to KBS for initiating the sponsorship.

There were no nominees for the ABU Developing Broadcasters’ Excellence Award this year.


ABU Technical Review Prizes 2020

The ABU Technical Review Prizes were awarded for articles contributed to the Technical Review from October 2019 to September 2020.  Three prizes were presented each from the categories of Practical Implementation, Research and Case Studies.

The winners for the Best Article on Practical Implementation are Mr R Arul, Mr S Gurumanickam and Mr K Balaji of Doordarshan India who co-authored the article titled Indigenous News Automation Software at DDK Chennai which appeared in the April-June 2020 issue of the ABU Technical Review.

The Best Article on Research was co-authored by Dr Kazuyoshi Shogen of B-SAT, Japan and Mr Thong Pham Viet of ITU-R.  Their article titled Effectiveness of Frequency Sharing Criteria in the Broadcasting Satellite Link appeared in the October-November-December 2019 issue of the ABU Technical Review.

The winner of the Best Article on Case Studies is Mr M S Duhan of Doordarshan-India who authored the article titled Seminal motives for Digital TV: Metamorphosis of ATT into DTT, which appeared in the January-March 2020 issue of the ABU Technical Review.