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Programme Bureau holds Online Meeting

The Chairperson, ABU Programme Committee, Mr Soleman Yusuf of RRI Indonesia chaired the recently-held ABU Programme Bureau meeting.

In his welcoming remarks, the ABU Secretary General Javad Mottaghi, outlined the massive online webinars, workshops and services the ABU has been providing since the beginning of the year.

Mr Koichi Okumura, ABU Director of Programming, briefed attendees on the Programme Department’s activities including ABU Media Lab Days, CARE 10 Co-production, ABU Prizes Reform Working Party, Children’s Drama Co Production, and more. He also outlined the timeline for the ABU flagship event — ABU Prizes. He concluded by previewing the upcoming events for 2021– in light of the restrictions placed on events by the pandemic

A brainstorming session with attendees, which consisted of suggestions and feedback from the various PB members–on topics such as feedback on current TV, Radio and New Media activities and desires of members for activities and initiatives in the future, followed. Participants reviewed programming activities over the past year and looked at future activities, with a view to continuing to improve services for members.

— The Programme Bureau acts an advisory body to the Programme Committee and makes suggestions for future ABU programming activities.