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DRM Initiates Automotive Workgroup for India

The Digital Radio Mondiale (DRM) Consortium has announced the creation of the first DRM Automotive Workgroup for India on November 25th during the second annual NXP India Cockpit and Infotainment Forum organized by NXP Semiconductors. NXP ( is the number one in automotive infotainment systems and the global market leader for digital car radio solutions[1].  During this event, All India Radio presented recent optimizations of the national DRM coverage as well as upcoming, exclusive service offerings for their listeners on DRM.

Currently, on Indian roads, there are over 2.5 million cars (representing all the big automotive brands) fitted with DRM receivers at no extra cost to consumers.

The Forum was a high-power event including comprehensive presentations on the recent NXP milestones and future plans, as NXP is supplying inclusive and up-to-date infotainment solutions to the powerful automotive industry, the undisputed driver for radio consumption worldwide. NXP, a DRM Consortium member, continues to work hard on DRM firmware development (in the AM and FM bands).

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