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ABU Acting President MR IBRAHIM EREN, opens ABU General Assembly

The ABU’s first-ever online General Assembly was officially opened with praise for members who are working to provide exemplary services to audiences in the middle of the global COVID-19 pandemic.

Chairman and Director-General of TRT Turkey and ABU Acting President Mr Ibrahim Eren  warmly welcomed all member organisations attending the unique online assembly.

“As never before, the media organizations around the world had to shoulder the heavy burden of responsibility to provide curated, checked and reliable information,” he said.

“The jump in our ratings proves beyond doubt that ABU members rose to this challenge.  I’m sure it is safe to say that how our members served their people during COVID-19 has re-awakened people to the vital role of media in their societies.”

Mr Eren welcomed ABU Vice President Mr Yang Sung-dong, President and CEO of KBS Korea, who said: “COVID-19 has brought enormous changes all over the world. I’m sure all of you have been affected by the pandemic. You may have already discussed about the world-wide impact by COVID-19 in some of the previous meetings. The media industry has faced the most severe challenges due to the Coronavirus global crisis.”

ABU Secretary General Dr Javad Mottaghi reinforced the words of the senior ABU leaders by stating: “The economic crisis brought by the pandemic affects all and the broadcast industry is not an exception.

“The broadcast media’s sustainability is under great threat. The traditional business models that we know now do not work anymore. It is up to our collective wisdom and efforts to withstand this existential challenge, flourish in the post-COVID world, engage with our audiences and help our nations to build a fair to all sustainable future.”

Members then conducted the annual formalities of the GA and paved the way for the next day’s forum.

* A more comprehensive article on this event will be given in the next edition of ABU News Magazine at the end of this year.