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Presenting China’s stories well ‘remains CMG’s mission’

The President of China Media Group (CMG), Shen Haixiong, has said that presenting China’s stories well to global audiences remains CMG’s mission.

In a new year message, Mr Shen said CMG had served as a witness to the remarkable past and recorded the country’s achievements through its dedicated work.

He said China’s overseas broadcasting services would continue this in 2022.

The CMG President said that reporting based on facts should be the fundamental principle of global journalists.

He said the group, which includes CCTV, China National Radio and China Radio International, had established a diverse and inclusive cooperation mechanism with international media partners.

Mr Shen also referred to China’s scheduled hosting of the 2022 Winter Olympic Games and Paralympic Games. He said CMG was ready to bring the event to global audiences, with cutting-edge technologies and its newly launched Olympic Channel.