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NHK launches 8K series on animal mating behaviour

(Photo: NHK)

The 8K satellite channel of Japan’s public broadcaster NHK has begun airing ‘The Mating Game’, a new five-part series on animal mating behaviour.

The first episode went to air on 17 January on the NHK BS8K channel. The next four will air each Saturday and Sunday until 30 January.

The series was produced by NHK and UK-based Silverbacks Films for BBC and Discovery, co-produced with Bilibili and France Télévisions.

NHK Executive Producer Iwasaki Hiromichi said: “Making this series during the pandemic over the past year and a half was far from easy.

“NHK was involved with filming that took place in 22 countries on six continents. We took all kinds of steps to ensure that we were in the right place at the right time to film mating behaviour in 8K.

“As a result, we got stunning footage of the courtship behaviour of a wide range of species including lesser flamingos, ruffs, caimans and humming birds.”

Channel controller Hakuno Takahiko said: “This series is an invitation to witness natural spectacles on a grand scale. The mating behaviours we reveal are fascinating and truly astonishing.

“The series unravels natural mysteries that most of us had never even imagined. The 8K footage captured by the veteran Japanese and British crews is magical and truly unforgettable.”