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AFTRS announces new five-year plan

The Australian Film Television and Radio School, AFTRS, has announced a new five-year plan, Creating the Future, which reinforces its commitment to three principles: national reach, excellence and sustainability.

The CEO, Nell Greenwood, made the announcement at the AFTRS Digital Futures Summit on 17 February.

The national reach principle commits AFTRS to embedding First Nations culture, knowledge and values across the school, creating opportunities for under-represented talent across Australia to fulfil their creative dreams and goals.

It also commits the school to providing flexible models of delivery that allow its learning and resources to be accessible to people through both online and face-to-face learning across Australia.

Under the principle of excellence, AFTRS will serve and enrich the creative community and generate the new knowledges the screen and broadcast industry needs to stay at the forefront of global innovation and best practice.

National reach and excellence require the school to be sustainable – for staff, students and the industry AFTRS serves.

The principle of sustainability places humans at the heart of everything the school does, creating a future that is full of possibility for creative growth, innovation and connection.

The five-year strategy is available in its entirety here.