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For broadcasters, earning trust ‘requires daily effort’

The trust that audiences place in broadcasters is an asset that can be achieved only through daily effort, a veteran Japanese broadcaster has told an ABU webinar.

Jun Ogawa, International Affairs Officer of the Japan Broadcasting Ethics & Programme Improvement Organisation, BPO, was speaking at a webinar on 24 February on how the organisation helps strengthen trust between broadcasters and the public.

Japan’s public and commercial broadcasters set up the BPO in 2003. It aims to improve the quality of broadcasting and promote higher ethical standards while ensuring freedom of speech and expression.

Mr Ogawa described how the organisation, whose members are independent non-broadcasters, listens to the voices of the people through its three committees.

One picks up broadcasting ethics issues through audience voices and media reports. The second acts on complaints from individuals and the third looks at whether youth programmes are suitable for their audience.

He said the BPO is not regulatory and does not impose penalties. Instead it asks broadcasters to take their own action.

He said its work helps create greater public trust for broadcasters, giving them a stronger shield to protect themselves from other outside pressures.

The Head of the ABU Media Academy, Steve Ahern, moderated the webinar, organised by the ABU Programme Department.