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Doordarshan covers annual Indian naval review

India’s public television broadcaster, Doordarshan (DD), came up with several innovations to cover the annual presidential fleet review of the Indian Navy on 21 January.

The news website IndianTelevision said DD had at least 30 cameras in place on land, sea and air. Drones with special lenses were also used.

President Ram Nath Kovind’s review of the navy fleet at Visakhapatnam on India’s east coast lasted almost three hours.

DD crews were positioned at five vantage points on land to provide live visuals. The entire coverage was done in HD format.

DD also had crews on five ships to provide live coverage of the President’s yacht, and camcorders and remote-controlled cameras were also placed on the yacht itself.

The local station of All India Radio served as the master control room for the operation, receiving all the coverage from land and sea.

The coverage was caried on DD National, DD News, DD India and many regional DD channels as well as on its YouTube channel.