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Pandemic has sped up use of new technologies, DBS 2022 told

The past two years have seen accelerated development and implementation of digital technologies by many broadcasters, the ABU Secretary-General, Dr Javad Mottaghi, has said.

In a welcome address to the ABU Digital Broadcasting Symposium 2022 on 21 March, he said broadcasters had found innovating digital solutions, such as remote productions and remote operations, to keep the show running.

“Some of the digital solutions that we thought would take a few years to realise are now widely in use in many organisations.”

Dr Mottaghi said the responsibility of broadcasters to inform, educate and entertain their audiences had not changed despite the pandemic.

“This is a time for all broadcasters to work together and help each other. There are many areas where broadcasters can share their expertise and resources with fellow broadcasters to help them in these difficult times. Together, we have been able to get through this difficult period.”

DBS 2020 runs until 24 March and features 12 sessions on a wide range of new digital technologies, with top speakers from many countries. It is taking place as a virtual event once again this year.