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UN Security Council condemns killing of Aljazeera journalist

The UN Security Council has condemned the killing of veteran Aljazeera reporter Shireen Abu Aqla and called for an immediate probe into her death.

Ms Abu Aqla was shot dead while covering an Israeli military raid in Jenin in the occupied West Bank on 11 May.

The Security Council said its members called for “an immediate, thorough, transparent, and fair and impartial investigation into the killing, and stressed the need to ensure accountability,” the BBC reported.

Ms Abu Aqla, a 51-year-old Palestinian American, was a veteran correspondent for Aljazeera’s Arabic news channel and had reported on the Israel-Palestinian conflict for two decades.

Aljazeera and Palestinian authorities have accused Israeli forces of killing her. Israel said it wasn’t clear whether she died from Israeli or Palestinian fire.

Aljazeera said she was wearing a blue bulletproof vest that said ‘PRESS’ when she was shot dead.