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Call for greater Pakistan-China media cooperation

(Photo: APP)

The media in Pakistan and China should cooperate on training, exchanging news material and co-producing programmes, a senior Chinese diplomat in Islamabad has said.

Pang Chunxue, Charge d’affaires at the Chinese Embassy in the Pakistan capital, was speaking at the 7th China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) Media Forum on 2 June, China Economic Net reports.

“Chinese media has seven permanent bureaus and one Urdu language studio in Pakistan. Pakistan is believed to have over 100 television channels and 150 radio stations,” she said.

“Both countries’ media should form in-depth cooperation in terms of exchange of news materials, co-production of programmes, personnel training and co-organising of activities, especially on CPEC.”

Ms Pang said the media of China and Pakistan had a responsibility to speak out for fairness and justice, and should be a positive force for world peace and stability.