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Building a culture of media tolerance and understanding

The ABU is to carry out a series of activities under a UNESCO project in which public broadcasters will help build a culture of tolerance and understanding.

The project is designed to counter a tsunami of disinformation in the traditional and new media during the pandemic that has led to false accusations against different communities and even hostile actions, as well as a surge in domestic violence and child abuse.

The ABU has signed a contract with UNESCO for the project, titled ‘Media for Building Culture of Tolerance and Understanding’. It will carry out activities in Asia and the Pacific.

The primary target group of the project are journalists in national electronic and print media in Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines and Timor-Leste.

The project recognises that public broadcasters need all the support they can get to preserve and enhance their status as a trusted source of information.

They need to build their capacity as a catalyst of changing minds, attitudes and behaviour of the public.

It’s vital for broadcasters to expand their reach into social networks and new platforms to counter disinformation and hate speech and build a culture of tolerance and understanding among different groups.