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ABC Australia honoured with commemorative coins

The Royal Australian Mint has released a commemorative A$1 coin and a 20 cent piece to mark 90 years of the Australian Broadcasting Corporation.

The collector coins feature iconic programmes and characters that have defined the ABC since it first went to air on 1 July 1932.

ABC Managing Director, David Anderson, said few organisations were honoured in this way. “I’d like to commend the Mint for producing two beautifully crafted coins that capture the spirit of the ABC over our 90 years.

“These two coins are wonderful collectors’ items and provide the perfect bookend to our 90th celebrations.”

The Mint’s CEO, Leigh Gordon, said: “The Mint is delighted to be part of the celebration of the ABC’s 90th Anniversary – an organisation recognised as the home of Australian conversations, culture and stories.”

“The coin design represents the ABC’s special and far-reaching connection with Australia and Australians as it has grown and evolved over 90 Years.

“Like a family photo, the ABC logo is featured predominantly on the coin, surrounded by icons that showcase the rich history of the ABC, and its evolution into an iconic part of the Australian media landscape.”

The ABC coins were designed by Aleksandra Stokic and celebrate the many facets of the ABC with pictograms surrounding the logo.