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ABU Prizes 2022 final juries meet in Kuala Lumpur

Following pre-selection, the final judging session of the ABU Prizes 2022 is being held at the Royale Chulan Hotel, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, from 12 to 14 October.

Six final jurors for radio categories and five jurors for TV categories screened the 59 shortlisted programmes: 29 programmes for radio and 30 programmes for TV.  Four short-listed Digital Media programmes were considered and judged online on 17 October.

The winners will be announced at the ABU Prizes 2022 Award Ceremony to be held on 29 November in conjunction with the 59th ABU General Assembly in New Delhi, India. All the winners will be published at the ABU website shortly after the announcement and the ceremony.

A total of 313 programmes were submitted this year for ABU Prizes – 174 Television entries, 106 Radio and 33 in Digital Media.

See here for the full list of finalists.