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Australian government moves to protect ABC funding

The Australian government is reviewing ways to protect the financial stability of the national broadcaster, the ABC.

The Communications Minister, Michelle Rowland, told Guardian Australia that on top of a new five-year funding cycle, work was under way on a review of funding certainty.

A public consultation in the new year will examine how more stability can be given to the national broadcasters to “safeguard against funding cuts and political interference”.

The Labor government has already reinstated A$83.7 million (US$56 million) in funding cuts and committed to extending the three-year cycle to five years in an attempt to take funding beyond the election cycle.

“Now, more than ever, Australia needs trusted, high-quality investigative journalism. And the ABC must be adequately funded to continue to deliver reporting like this,” Ms Rowland said.

“Our public broadcasters must be safeguarded from political interference and arbitrary cuts.”