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Secretary-General expresses ABU’s condolences to Türkiye

On behalf of the ABU, the Secretary-General, Dr Javad Mottaghi, has expressed sincere condolences to Türkiye’s public broadcaster TRT and the Turkish people on the earthquake that devastated the country on 6 February.

In a letter to TRT’s Director-General, Prof. Mehmet Zahid Sobaci, on 7 February, Dr Mottaghi describes the loss of life as heart-breaking and says the ABU is ready to help in any way needed.

Dr Mottaghi writes: “We learned with great sadness about the devastating earthquake that hit Türkiye yesterday morning. The loss of over 4,000 lives in Türkiye and Syria is heart-breaking news. Our thoughts and hearts are with the families that lost loved ones and thousands of people who have to stay in the freezing weather in open air to avoid the aftershocks.

“On behalf of Mr Masagaki Satoru, the ABU President, and the whole ABU Family, I express our sincere condolences to you and the people of Türkiye on this national tragedy. The ABU Family joins the national mourning for the victims and applauds the heroic efforts of the rescue teams who risk their own lives to search for survivors under the ruins.

“We are aware that despite serious challenges, TRT operations and staff in many parts of the country near the earthquake epicentre have been working around the clock to provide affected people with latest information and guidance. No doubt TRT will remain strong and serve the Turkish people in these dire times.

“Please remember that the ABU Family is with you and ready to help in any way needed.”