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EBU offers advice on how to cover the climate crisis

A new report commissioned by the European Broadcasting Union delivers advice for newsrooms on how to cover the climate catastrophe effectively.

The report is based on tried and tested, practical solutions from public service media outlets and other newsrooms across Europe and beyond.

Dr Alexandra Borchardt is the lead author of the EBU News Report 2023: Climate Journalism That Works – Between Knowledge and Impact.

She says: “The climate crisis will define our future more than any other issue. But we’ve found evidence that audiences are turning away from climate coverage because it’s simply not delivered well.

“News outlets can – and must – do better – and we have constructive recommendations that, if utilised, could be game-changers for them and for how audiences engage with this complex subject.

The report examines how to craft climate journalism in a way that will resonate with audiences as well as how to reorganise newsrooms so that coverage of climate impact is integrated into all beats rather than being relegated to a separate climate desk.

It also includes best practice case studies and Q&As from different news outlets, thought leaders and influencers on what actually works, using 11 detailed case studies.

See more information here. Download the full EBU report here.