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Prasar Bharati highlights achievements of Indian women

India’s public broadcaster Prasar Bharati has presented a week of programmes highlighting the achievements of Indian women.

The programmes were carried on 1-8 March on both All India Radio and the public TV broadcaster, Doordarshan (DD), to mark International Women’s Day.

The theme was #EmbraceEquity and the programmes were aimed at increasing public awareness of the need to promote equity.

A one-day event, DD Dialogue, took place on 6 March featuring panel discussions and interviews on such topics as eliminating gender-based violence and the role of women in new areas like AI.

DD telecast the sessions on 7 and 8 March. They were also covered extensively on social media.

DD also broadcast a special episode of its regular programme Total Health on 5 March devoted to women’s health issues. Viewers were able to connect with experts by toll-free phone and email.