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BCRA coordinate community radio aid in Cyclone Mocha response

The Bangladesh Community Radio Association – BCRA’s 9 community radios located in the coastal belt area of Bangladesh are playing a crucial role in responding to the powerful cyclonic storm Mocha that has hit the region. The radios have been broadcasting emergency life-saving messages to raise awareness and preparedness among their 4.2 million listeners.

Apart from on-air broadcasts, community radios have been conducting off-air programs such as early warning community miking and courtyard meetings for mass awareness. BCRA is coordinating with the Bangladesh Meteorological Department, Bangladesh Betar, local government and administration, and various development partners to support all community radios along the coast by sharing updated information.

However, BCRA is now expressing concern about the post-disaster response needed to address the damage and mitigate the impending disaster. With the community radios’ involvement, BCRA is working to ensure that the necessary support is provided to the affected communities.

Community radios have long played a significant role in disaster risk reduction and management in Bangladesh. By providing crucial information to the most vulnerable and hard-to-reach communities, they have been instrumental in saving lives and mitigating the impact of disasters.