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RTM Malaysia pioneer cutting-edge technology in its News operations

RTM News, a leading broadcast network, is making significant strides in enhancing its News operations and presentation. With a well-defined roadmap, RTM News is embracing innovative solutions to stay ahead in the fast-evolving media landscape.

The roadmap includes several key initiatives that will revolutionize the way RTM News deliver content. These include upgrading its broadcast facilities to support high-definition content. A Central Media Centre, to serve as a hub for TV, radio, MedSoc (Socila Media), and archiving. And, re-engineering its workflow processes to leverage the power of artificial intelligence and machine learning.

The Assistant Director Engineering, News and Current Affairs, Ahmad Shafiq Mirza said, RTM News is at the forefront implementing ground-breaking broadcast technology initiatives. This is done by embracing technology, optimize workflows, leverage AI and ML, and enhance news preparation and presentation.