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ABU Secretary-General meeting the Vice Minister of NRTA, LE Yucheng in Beijing, China

The ABU Secretary-General, Ahmed Nadeem held numerous official meetings in Beijing, China. Earlier on Tuesday, the Secretary-General met with Vice Minister, LE Yucheng at the National Radio and Television Administration of China (NRTA) in Beijing. The SG also met ABU Vice President, Mr Yan Chengsheng.

The Secretary-General, and the Vice Minister discussed various areas of cooperation in broadcasting, events of mutual benefit, and the importance of improving the quality, and efficiency of media while serving the public.

ABU Secretary-General also had an interactive session with Academy of Broadcasting Science, NRTA (ABS). It was attended by the Vice President of ABS, Sheng Zhifan and other senior executives. The parties exchanged views on the development of broadcast industry, new technologies and the use of AI in media.

Later, the Secretary-General was introduced to Alibaba Ecosystem, and YOUKU International Media Network, one of the largest online long-form video platforms in China.