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Pacific Break returns in 2023!

The Pacific’s biggest music competition returns to the ABC in 2023, kicking off on 21 September.

This year, the search for the Pacific and Timor-Leste’s best original talent launches with an exclusive concert in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea (PNG).

Headlining the show is PNG-born Australian artist Ngaiire who will travel from Australia to Port Moresby to perform. Joining her on stage is last year’s Pacific Break winner Danielle as well as ABC Radio Australia music host and DJ Hau Latukefu who will broadcast a special edition of his weekly music show In The Fale: Live From Moresby.

Pacific Break offers unsigned artists living in the Pacific and Timor-Leste a career-changing opportunity with the winner flown to Australia’s largest international music festival WOMADelaide in March 2024. Throughout the six-week campaign, featured artists have their music and videos featured on ABC Radio Australia and ABC Australia programs and on ABC Pacific digital and social accounts.