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ABU Prizes 2023 final juries meet in Kuala Lumpur

The final judging of the shortlisted programs for the “ABU Prizes 2023” took place at Wyndham Grand Bangsar, Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia this week. The pre-selection was done online.

The programs were previewed, and assessed by five jurors each for Radio and Television categories. 60 programmes or titles – 30 Radio and 30 Television were short-listed during the pre-selection. Four Digital Media entries were judged Online.

The Director of ABU Programmes Yasu Nagahata, thanked members for their support and understanding. He said the ABU Prizes saw record number of entries this year. The Director also expressed gratitude to the judges, all of whom are experienced producers.

The Head of ABU Television and Radio coordinated the final judging.

The winners will be announced at the ABU Prizes 2023 Award Ceremony on October 31st during the 60th ABU General Assembly in Seoul, Korea. According to the ABU Prizes secretariat, the winners will be published on the ABU website after the award ceremony.

A total of 357 entries were submitted this year for the ABU Prizes, 184 Television entries, 129 Radio, and 44 in Digital Media category.