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Media vs Climate Crisis: key discussions slated for the 60th ABU General Assembly’s plenary session 2

As the planet faces unprecedented climate challenges, the 60th ABU General Assembly & Associated Meetings in Seoul is set to tackle these pressing issues in its Plenary Session 2 on 1st November 2023. Themed “Media vs Climate Crisis: Leading Climate Literacy and Engagement,” the session aims to delve into the crucial role of broadcast media in combating the climate crisis.

Recent reports highlight the magnitude of the climate emergency; global warming is predicted to push billions out of their “human climate niche,” while a New Zealand study estimates that climate-induced damage has cost a staggering $16m an hour over the past two decades. “Climate action globally is dwarfed by the scale of the climate challenge,” warned UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres.

The session will feature an illustrious panel of experts. Stephanie Speck, Head of Communications for the Green Climate Fund, brings extensive international experience in communication strategies. Jeanette Elsworth, Chief of Communications, Advocacy, Knowledge Management and ICT at UNDRR, is known for leading high-impact global campaigns. Dr Hoesung Lee, the former Chair of the IPCC, lends his academic weight on the economics of climate change. Lastly, Ms Ana Lomtadze, Programme Specialist for Communication and Information Sector at UNESCO, will share her insights from overseeing operations across Southeast Asia.

Russell Isaac, who has extensive experience in news, current affairs, and development consultancy, will moderate the session. The aim is not just to inform but also to galvanise action towards averting the impending climate catastrophe. 

The Plenary Session 2 promises to be a critical platform for dialogue, aimed at fulfilling the media’s responsibility to lead climate literacy and spur collective action. With humanity on the brink of “no return,” the session will be a call to arms for the media to live up to the trust of their audiences and help save lives and livelihoods.