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The 16th ABU Programme Bureau Meeting sets stage for ABU General Assembly in Seoul

The ABU convened its 16th Programme Bureau Meeting with all PB members on Thursday, October 19, 2023, setting the stage for the upcoming ABU General Assembly and Associated Meetings in Seoul at the end of October.

The meeting was chaired by Claire Gorman of ABC, Chairman of the ABU Programme Committee, with introductions by Wansoo Kim, Chief Project Manager of ABU 2023 Seoul.

Yasu Nagahata, ABU’s Director of Programming, presented a comprehensive report of activities spanning from December 2022 to October 2023, highlighting the achievements and milestones of the ABU during this period.

The meeting progressed into an engaging brainstorming session, during which PB members shared updates on their activities throughout the year. PB members also offered valuable suggestions and feedback on various aspects of the ABU, encompassing recent activities, including the ABU CON-FEST and ABU Prizes workshops.

The meeting concluded, with the agenda set for the Programme Committee and Radio Working Party meetings during the ABU General Assembly and Associated Meetings scheduled for the 28th  October in Seoul, South Korea.