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ABU Media Academy focuses on future growth and technological advancements

Secretary-General Ahmed Nadeem has called for a renewed focus on upskilling and technological advancements during his address at the 7th ABU Media Academy Forum.

The Forum was held online with participation from several members of the Academy committee, and was chaired by the committee’s Vice Chairman, Baber Ali, General Manager of VU Television Network, Virtual University of Pakistan.

Secretary-General Nadeem highlighted the organisation’s strides towards addressing skill gaps in the media industry. He noted that since the launch of the Media Academy, the emphasis has been on a variety of training topics, including technology, management, and different aspects of broadcasting.

One of the key announcements was the focus on developing ‘more robust courses’ aimed at career development. “We need to go beyond just short training programmes. The aim is to offer certified courses that will enrich the skillsets of our members,” Nadeem said. He also highlighted the potential for further collaborations with academic experts and other institutions in this endeavour.

Members of the forum highlighted the need to be ahead, especially with rapid developments in Artificial intelligence. They noted that the Academy can play a vital role in conducting trainings faster than universities, with the vast resources of technical experts within the union.

The future work plan of the Academy includes a strong emphasis on technological advancements, an area that has generated significant interest and request from members. “The focus is not only on how technology can replace jobs but also how it can enhance our work environment and assist us in various capacities,” Nadeem added.

The Secretary-General urged for closer inter-departmental collaborations and better engagement with members to holistically address the needs of the broadcasting community. Another meeting is planned for November to discuss future strategies and potential enhancements to the services offered by the ABU Media Academy.