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ABU Sports looks to diversify into production as it prepares for the 2023 General Assembly

ABU’s involvement in the 19th Asian Games in China provided an opportunity for ABU sports to continue diversify its services to members.

ABU Sports took up venue production for three sports in collaboration with its members. The union also provided English commentary service for the games.

The project was lauded by the Secretary General, Ahmed Nadeem. He said we must prioritise such activities, which benefit members. This discussion will feature prominently at the Sports Group conference in Seoul.

The conference will also further brainstorm the sample anti-siphoning legislation drafted by ABU legal upon the request of some members.

The Sports Director will present the department’s achievements and scheduled events next year. These include the sports group conference in Kuala Lumpur and the planed on-site training in 2024. The Seoul conference will also see presentation by KBS Korea, NHK Japan, CGM China, RTM Malaysia, and VBTC Vanuatu.

Others include international federations, the World Archery, the ITTF 2024 Busan and partners like Alibaba cloud. The 72nd ABU sports group conference will take place on Sunday, October 29, 2023 at the KBS in Seoul.