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116th ABU Administrative Council Meeting

The 116th ABU Administrative Council meeting was held on 29 October, preceding the 60th ABU General Assembly and Associated Meetings, hosted by South Korea’s Korean Broadcasting System (KBS).

The meeting was chaired by ABU Acting President Dr Yan Chengsheng, Director General of International Cooperation Department, National Radio & Television Administration of China.

ABU Secretary-General Ahmed Nadeem briefed the Councillors on the activities of the union, as well as about the changes being implemented both in the Secretariat and for improving the engagement with the members.

The majority of ABU Councillors attended the meeting in person. Ahead of the meeting, the Planning and Strategy Group (PSG) met for its discussions. The PSG meeting was held on Saturday, 28 October.

The Administrative Council is the ABU’s ‘board of directors.’  It comprises 18 Councillors who are elected by the members at the ABU Annual General Assembly, for a three-year term. The council meets twice yearly to decide on policy matters, to review the Union’s finances and consider current issues facing the ABU.