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Bangkok hosts Asian Archery Championships with local production talent

The ABU has successfully negotiated a live-feed production deal for its full member –  Television Pool of Thailand (TPT) to broadcast the 2023 Asian Archery Championships, a critical qualifying ground for the Paris 2024 Olympic Games.

An extensive roster of 231 athletes from 29 nations will be broadcasted by TPT’s skilled personnel using their Outside Broadcast (OB) Van, indicating a substantial local expertise contribution.

ABU Secretary-General Ahmed Nadeem highlighted the ABU’s initiative to diversify and enhance the services it offers, notably in sports and news production. He commended the partnership’s role in skill development and expressed ABU’s commitment to supporting TPT in future ventures, including hosting further activities beyond sports.

Maj.Gen.Aekanut Naklek, Technical and Sport Advisor ,The Television Pool of Thailand (TPT), thanked the ABU for the opportunity to produce the multilateral feed for the championship. He acknowledged the significant training and experience the project will provide for TPT’s crew, which aligns with the long-term vision for TPT’s growth in handling international assignments.

As Bangkok became the archery capital for a week, the spotlight was not only be on the athletes vying for Olympic qualification but also on the local talent orchestrating the event’s live feed, a testament to Thailand’s growing prowess in sports production.