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ABU News to host COP webinar

ABU News is offering a webinar on reporting COP – the key forum for addressing the global climate crisis.

This year the United Nations summit is being held in Dubai, in the United Arab Emirates, from 30 November until 12 December. It will attended by political and business leaders, lobbyists, activists, bureaucrats and experts in climate science from around the world.

The webinar on 23 November will provide tips on reporting the conference including the headline stories and key issues, as well as advice on how to cover such a massive, marathon event.

2023 is set to be the warmest year recorded. The UN’s climate change body says global greenhouse gas emissions need to fall by 45 percent by the end of this decade, compared to 2010 levels, to meet the goal of limiting global temperature rise to 1.5 degrees celsius.

To register for the 30-minute webinar, please click here. Registration is essential to receive the webinar link.