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AI Governance Media Action Initiative launched at CMG’s forum

The China Media Group (CMG)’s third annual forum, which took place in Beijing on 29 April, saw the launch of the AI Governance Media Action, which seeks to govern the use of artificial intelligence (AI).

The initiative is supported by media groups in Asia (the Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union), Africa (the African Union of Broadcasting), Latin America (Alianza Informativa Latinoamericana) and Arab nations (the Arab States Broadcasting Union). It advocates for the responsible use of AI to empower industries, ensure media integrity, promote safe development, and foster deep collaboration and shared responsibility.

The forum centred on the media industry’s potential to positively shape the development of AI for the greater good of humanity. Under the theme “A Force for Good: Shared Responsibility in AI,” the event drew over 200 attendees from global organisations, media sectors, think tanks, and multinational corporations. ABU’s Dr Veysel Binbay (Director of ABU Technology and Innovation) and Yanjiang Cai (Director of Sport) attended the forum.

CMG President Shen Haixiong highlighted his organisation’s commitment to collaborating globally and exploring AI’s vast possibilities to contribute positively to a shared global future.

Notable figures including Thomas Bach, President of the International Olympic Committee, and Daren Tang, Director General of the World Intellectual Property Organization, delivered speeches via video. They acknowledged the need to leverage AI opportunities while mitigating its risks.