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ABU participates in BroadcastAsia 2024

ABU, along with Televisi Republik Indonesia (TVRI), Radio Republik Indonesia (RRI), Sri Lanka Rupavahini Corporation (SLRC), Singapore’s MediaCorp, WhiteWays Singapore, and the Cambodian Broadcasting Service (CBS), were among those who participated in the recent BroadcastAsia 2024 which took place in Singapore from May 29 to June 31.

BroadcastAsia is one of the premier events in the broadcasting and media industry. It showcased cutting-edge technologies, industry trends, and provided a platform for networking and collaboration among global players.

ABU and its members actively engaged with industry peers, media professionals, and technology experts, fostering meaningful discussions on industry trends, regulatory issues, and best practices.

They also gained valuable insights into emerging trends, market dynamics, and consumer behaviours driving the evolution of the media landscape. 

Keynote speeches, panel discussions, and presentations by industry experts offered a comprehensive overview of the opportunities and challenges facing the sector.

One of the speakers at the event was David Ulmer, the CEO of Cambodian Broadcasting Service (CBS). In his opening keynote to the ‘AI in Broadcasting: Revolution or Evolution’ session, he said that artificial intelligence (AI) is here to stay in the broadcasting industry and will evolve further.

As the media and broadcasting industry continues to undergo rapid transformation, events such as BroadcastAsia play a crucial role in facilitating dialogue, innovation, and collaboration among industry stakeholders.