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ABU DOC, or ABU Documentary Exchange Meeting, is a comprehensive, 3 days session targeted for young and promising documentary makers to hone their documentary-making skills.

It consists of documentary screenings by the participants, exchange of the said documentaries’ broadcast materials at rights-free among the participants, and workshops/talks by documentary experts.

Below are the details of 2018 ABU DOC:

Venue: Pacific Regency, Kuala Lumpur.

Date: 2th – 4th August 2018

Moderator/ Trainers: – Asako Kume (NHK-Japan)

– Abdul Hakim Amir Nazri (Astro-Malaysia)

–  Harun Rahman (MyDocs-Malaysia)

– Liu Changying (CGTN (formerly known as CCTV News) – China)

For event enquiries, please contact:
Hanizah Mohd Hamzah (Mrs)
Head of TV
Tel: +603 2283 5187