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ABU News Survey

ABU News Survey

Last Name
Last Name
1. What is the primary platform for your organisation’s news output?
Do you think your organisation’s radio or television audiences will increase in the next five years? *
Do you think your organisation’s digital and social media audiences will increase? *
Do you think the effects of climate change will increase your organisation’s emergency and disaster risk reduction coverage? *
How well does your newsroom cover major weather events – eg cyclones, typhoons, floods, droughts? *
Is your organisation helping audiences to understand global warming/climate change and how it will impact on their lives? *
Is your organisation encouraging audiences to reduce greenhouse gas emissions? *
Is gender inequality an issue in your organisation? *
Do you expect that to improve in the years to come? *
Do you offer work placements for journalism students?
Do you recruit university students on graduation?
How many people work in the newsroom/s at your organisations?
Is your organisation likely to have more or less people in the newsroom in five years?
Do you think you will have the same job in five years time?
Would you recommend journalism as a career to a 21-year-old?
Do you think your organisation understands changing media habits?
Are you involved in producing news for social media?
Do you think journalists are influential?
Do you think journalists should be impartial?
Do you think journalism is becoming a more dangerous profession?
Do you feel confident about the future of journalism in your home country?