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As you all know, ABU Prizes are the most prestigious programme awards in our region that honour the best Radio, Television and New Media contents from our member organisations. This year the Award Presentation Ceremony will be held on 21 November in Tokyo, Japan, as a gala event of the ABU General Assembly.


1 Drama A single episode drama or one of a series/serials.
2 Docudrama Either stand-alone or part of a drama series based on real events and presenting a non-fictional examination of the events or their participants.
3 Documentary A single documentary or a feature or one of a series.
4 News Reporting Topical coverage of a single news event.
5 Community Service Announcement (CSA) Campaigns or announcements on a single issue that is of public interest, and which is not more than 90 seconds duration. The CSA should aim at creating public awareness within its cultural context. Such a CSA should be produced in-house.
6 On Air Personality Work of a single on-air personality, either a single performance or a compilation. This could include DJ, host, presenter, anchor, news reader, traffic reporter, news reporter and/or correspondent.
7 ABU Perspective Award (*) A programme that best delivers the message of ABU perspective on the theme of global issue chosen by ABU members and illustrated through their local issue in any form.

Theme for 2019: “Moving Forward”

Moving Forward can encompass personal, professional or emotional growth. It can mean overcoming obstacles or leaving some things behind, to move to a new reality, a brighter future, beyond boundaries.


1 Drama A single episode drama or one of a series/serials.
2 Documentary A single documentary or a feature or one of a series.
3 Entertainment Any non-drama, non-documentary, non-news program entertaining to all.
4 Children Any programme targeted at viewers below 11 years of age (elementary level).
5 News Reporting Topical coverage of a single news event.
6 Sports A single programme about sports which includes event coverage, commentary, talk shows or documentary.
7 ABU Perspective Award A programme that best delivers the message of ABU perspective on the theme of global issue chosen by ABU members and illustrated through their local issue in any form.

Theme for 2019: “Moving Forward”

Moving Forward can encompass personal, professional or emotional growth. It can mean overcoming obstacles or leaving some things behind, to move to a new reality, a brighter future, beyond boundaries.


1 Digital Content Award Online media contents developed as an extension of existing TV or Radio programmes and/or stand-alone original productions that are tailor-made using  a wide range of available digital tools.