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Day 1 | Tuesday 24 November

02:00-02:10  OPENING SESSION

Welcome address | Mr Hamid D Nayeri, Chairman, ABU Technical Committee

Welcome address | Mr Hamid D Nayeri, Chairman, ABU Technical Committee

Opening Address | Dr Javad Mottaghi, Secretary-General, ABU

02:10-02:30  ABU ENGINEERING AWARDS 2020

02:30-02:50  TC PROCEEDINGS | Session Chair: Mr Hamid D Nayeri, Chairman, ABU Technical Committee

Confirm Agenda and TC-2019 Proceedings and appointment of Rapporteurs

ABU Technology Activity Report

Bureau Proposals (Introduction)

02:50-03:00  Break

03:00-04:00  Invited Presentations

End of TC Day 1


Day 2 | Wednesday 25 November

02:00-02:05  Welcome by Chairman & any announcements



Production | Mr Kazim Pektas, TRT-Turkey

Transmission | Mr Kenichi Murayama, NHK-Japan

Spectrum | Dr Li Leilei, NRTA-China

Training & Services | Mr P. Das, Prasar Bharati-India

02:45-02:50  Bureau Proposals (final reading & endorsement)

02:50-03:00  Break

03:00  Invited Presentations – Session 2

03:35  Invited Presentations – Session 3

04:05  Closing Remarks by Chairman

04:10  End of Day-2 & TC2020