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  • 2017-10-30 to 2017-11-04

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2017 ABU General Assembly and Associated Meetings

2017-10-30 to 2017-11-04
October 30, 2017



Event details

  • 2017-10-30 to 2017-11-04

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2017 ABU General Assembly and Associated Meetings

2017-10-30 to 2017-11-04
October 30, 2017


30 October – 4 November 2017
Chengdu, Sichuan, China


The 54th ABU GA will focus on the strategies to ensure the leading role of the broadcast media in future services for information, education and entertainment of nations around the globe. It will tackle crucial issues of successful re-positioning of broadcasting houses in political, social and industry environment of overwhelming uncertainty.

We live in a world where nothing can be taken for granted. Disillusion with the political establishment all over the world has created new scenarios and is bringing populists into power. At the same time hundreds of millions of people across the globe are on the move fleeing conflict, poverty and climate change. By moving to safer heavens they are creating even more anger in societies already divided between the haves and have-nots. Meanwhile leaps in technology allow the world to become literally a Global Village. The world is now both divided and yet interconnected economically, socially and politically as never before. We are in the midst of a new world order with Internet and Social Media reaching people, who had never been part of the global network. While the great powers shape new alliances the only certainty is uncertainty.


This presents immense challenges to the media in all its forms to serve its audiences, while finding ways to harness the potential of the social media to engage audiences. For media uncertainty exists in every area of its operations. Media practitioners have to make new and crucial strategic decisions – how to reach fragmented audiences on different platforms; how to engage the population for nation building and achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, while neutralizing rumour and innuendo; how to secure the   financial future of their organisations through creative marketing and  programmes, while offering new services to improve people’s lives.

Join the conversation, which will secure the key role of the broadcasting industry in nation building and serving wide audiences with relevant, quality programmes.

Click the ‘NEW REGISTRATION’ button below to register online

Official ABU GA Website:

For further information or assistance, please contact:

Ms Natalia Ilieva
Executive Assistant to the SG
Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union (ABU)
P O Box 12287
50772 Kuala Lumpur


Street Address:
2nd Floor, IPPTAR Building
50614 Kuala Lumpur

Tel:  (60-3) 2282-3592
Fax: (60-3) 2282-5292