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  • 2018-09-30 to 2018-10-05

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2018 ABU General Assembly and Associated Meetings

2018-09-30 to 2018-10-05
September 30, 2018



Event details

  • 2018-09-30 to 2018-10-05

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2018 ABU General Assembly and Associated Meetings

2018-09-30 to 2018-10-05
September 30, 2018


30 September – 5 October 2018
Ashgabat, Turkmenistan

Thriving in the New Media Era: Broadcasting for Diverse Audiences 

The ABU General Assembly will be held on 4th and 5th October 2018. As usual, the annual meetings of the ABU Sports Group, Radio Working Party, Programme and Technical Committees will precede the GA. The Women With the Wave Forum, Quality Management Workshop and the Admin Council Meeting would be held on 2nd October 2018.

The host TVTM has kindly arranged a full day excursion on 3rd October 2018, which will provide unforgettable trip through history – from the UNESCO World Heritage ancient Parthian Fortresses of Nisa to the National Museum of Turkmenistan. The final stop of the excursion is the International Equestrian Sports Complex where the delegates can experience history – the beautiful, shiny Ahal- Teke horses – a rare race breed, believed to be at least three thousand years old.

The 7th ABU TV Song Festival Gala Concert on 2nd October will be staged in Ashgabat Ice Palace in front of 10,000 spectators, while the winners of the prestigious ABU Prizes will be announced on 4th October 2018.

For the 55th time the movers and shakers in the broadcast industry from Asia – Pacific region and beyond will gather for 6 days of networking, exchange of ideas and discussions on future strategies, joint actions and partnerships.

The theme of the conversation this year is Thriving in the New Media Era: Broadcasting for Diverse Audiences. Decision makers and industry influencers will search for answers of some questions that can make or break broadcasting organisations in the new media age. What is it to be a broadcaster in an age of digital disruption? How to use new technological opportunities to reach traditional and gain new audiences? Are ABU members prepared to serve their increasingly media savvy and sophisticated audiences with the content they demand, on the devices they want and at the time that suites them? How do public service broadcasters stay true to their responsibility to serve the people’s needs – consumers and citizens alike – and avoid falling behind technologically, journalistically, creatively and financially?

Join the conversation, be part of the joint solutions for thriving in the new media age.

Please note that all delegates will receive Visa on Arrival for no fee. Applicants have to send all documents for Visa Application as soon as possible to Ms Shabana Jan (details below) and not to apply to the respective Embassy in their country.

Click the ‘NEW REGISTRATION’ button below to register online.

Official ABU GA Website: (TBA)

For further information or assistance, please contact:

For general information:
Ms Natalia Ilieva
Head of SG Department
Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union (ABU)

Tel:  (60-3) 2282-3592
Fax: (60-3) 2282-5292

For information related to visa application:
Ms Shabana Jan
News Project Officer
Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union (ABU)

Tel:  (60-3) 2282-7033
Fax: (60-3) 2282-5292