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  • 2023-03-07 to 2023-03-08

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2023 Asiavision coordinators’ meeting

2023-03-07 to 2023-03-08
March 8, 2023


News Department

Event details

  • 2023-03-07 to 2023-03-08

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2023 Asiavision coordinators’ meeting

2023-03-07 to 2023-03-08
March 8, 2023


Join us in Malaysia for the 2023 Asiavision coordinators’ meeting, including a half-day workshop on reporting climate change and sustainable development and an excursion to the Digital Broadcasting Symposium (DBS).

The program:

Tuesday March 7 

  • 0900-0915: Welcome  
  • 0915-0925: New members    
  • 0925-1010: Member updates and presentations  
  • 1010-1020: Key ABU developments  
  • 1020-1040: Key AVN changes over the past 12 months 
  • 1040-1110: Coffee break  
  • 1110-1140: Panel discussion: Raw feeds of live events  
  • 1140-1220: Asiavision template updates and reminders 
  • 1220-1230: Asiavision quiz Part 1  
  • 1230: Group photo 
  • 1230-1330 Lunch 
  • 1330-1400: APV update and demonstration 
  • 1400-1430: AVN agreements and rules  
  • 1430-1500: Protocols for reporter live crosses and live interviews with experts/commentators  
  • 1500-1530: Coverage opportunities and diary events  
  • 1530-1600: Coffee break 
  • 1600-1630: Water report briefing 
  • 1630-1700: 2023 objectives and targets  
  • 1700-1730: Asiavision awards update   
  • 1730-1745: Asiavision quiz Part 2 
  • 1745-1750: Invitation to 2023 News Group meeting and the Global News Forum  


Wednesday March 8 

  • 0900-0910: International Women’s Day reflection  
  • 0910-1200: Climate change and sustainable development workshop  
    • S. Vicknesan – Senior Commissioning Editor at 360info   
    • Tan Su Lin, co-founder of the Science Media Centre Malaysia   
    • Ili Nadiah Dzulfakar, co-founder of Klima Action Malaysia (KAMY)   
    • Member contributions  
  • 1200-1300: lunch  
  • 1300: Depart for DBS 
  • 1400-1700: Attend afternoon sessions at DBS – the ABU’s Digital Broadcasting Symposium. 
    • AI, Blockchain and Data Applications in Media 
    • Media Management and Digital Workflows