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  • 2014-09-08 to 2014-09-10

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7th World Summit on Media for Children 2014

2014-09-08 to 2014-09-10
September 8, 2014



Event details

  • 2014-09-08 to 2014-09-10

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Bank NameAccount No: 0000 1400 1211IFSC Code: 00001321Branch Address
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7th World Summit on Media for Children 2014

2014-09-08 to 2014-09-10
September 8, 2014


Media for 21st Century Children

Asia welcomes the World Summit on Media for Children
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, was chosen to host the 7th World Summit on Media for Children in September 2014. This is the first time the global summit for using media in the development , education and wellbeing  of children is taking place in Asia.
The Summit is organised by the Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union (ABU), the World Summit on Media for Children Foundation and hosted by Radio Television Malaysia (RTM). The organisers expect more than 2000 producers, broadcasters, media regulators, educators and community leaders committed to the improvement of quality media for children.
The Summit provides unique opportunities for networking, debates, and workshops on content creation. It will celebrate children’s creativity and development through media, and will  focus on quality content and the role and meaning of education in a globalized modern media environment.
The World Summit on Media for Children Foundation
The World Summit on Media for Children Foundation recognises the significant changes taking place in children’s media around the world. It encourages the development of a new global vision for children’s media and education, and aims to;
  • Achieve a greater understanding of developments in children’s media around the world.
  • Promote innovation in the development, design and provision of media for children.
  • Reinforce the constructive role of media in the development, education and wellbeing of children.
  • Promote a charter of guiding principles in children’s digital media.
  • Assist in providing future opportunities for high-quality media for children around the world.
Parallel events:

  • Program screenings
  • Digital media Festival
  • Children’s Song Festival
  • Cultural and Media Village
  • Production Master Classes
  • Live broadcasts from Summit
  • Children’s Program Exchange
  • Animation & cartooning workshops