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Asiavision Network

Event details

  • November 23, 2023
  • Thursday, 1PM to 1PM

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ABU News Webinar: Reporting on COP28

Thursday, 1PM to 1PM
November 23, 2023


Asiavision Network

Event details

  • November 23, 2023
  • Thursday, 1PM to 1PM

Contact event manager

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Bank NameAccount No: 0000 1400 1211IFSC Code: 00001321Branch Address
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ABU News Webinar: Reporting on COP28

Thursday, 1PM to 1PM
November 23, 2023


The key forum for discussing the climate crisis is about to be held in Dubai.

The annual COP meeting will be held on 30 November to 12 December.

It’s a massive event bringing together political leaders, lobbyists, activists, bureaucrats and experts in climate science.

Join us for this webinar on reporting COP, during which we will explain the key players and the key issues.


23 November 2024

Online – Microsoft Teams

ABU News
