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  • 2014-01-01 to 2014-03-05

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ABU Website Project – FAQ

2014-01-01 to 2014-03-05
January 1, 2014



Event details

  • 2014-01-01 to 2014-03-05

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Bank NameAccount No: 0000 1400 1211IFSC Code: 00001321Branch Address
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ABU Website Project – FAQ

2014-01-01 to 2014-03-05
January 1, 2014


ABU Website Project – FAQ

1. What is this project about?
• We need to keep our members informed, updated and engaged. We need a dynamic, attractive and easy to navigate website with features that can accomplish this. The current site does not currently project an image that befits a global organization with members in the thousands, stretching from Russia in the north, to Turkey in the West to Australia in the South and to Samoa in the East.

• It is with this aim in mind, that the ABU seeks to engage a professional, committed, creative, dedicated and responsive organisation to bring ABU’s new website online, with improved functionality, design and enhanced user-experience features.

2. How can I (my company) participate in this tender?
• Please follow the steps in this link:

3. Where can I get the RFP?
• Please register and download the RFP using this link:

4. When is the deadline for submission of proposal?
• Submission of Tender Proposal to ABU will be at 12noon 27th August 2018.

5. What are the major requirements for the proposal?
• Can be referred at page 12 in RFP document.

6. Where do i submit the RFP proposal?
• Can be submitted via email at

7. Can you please share with us what are the features you like from your peer’s website (e.g EBU, WBU, CBU) – If any.

·  EBU: event pages, event calendar

Event Calendar –

Event Page –

·   WBU: event calendar

Event Calendar –

·   ITU: event pages with document management, become member

Events Page –

Join ITU –

8.   What are the top 3 things your users are looking for / trying to do when they come to your website?

· Latest news

· Information about upcoming activities

· Register for events/activities

9.   For Events, can users register / pay to sign up for your events?

· Yes, they can register for the event. Payment option will be good to have

10. Are your membes directory open for public knowledge (sample:

· The list of members (like in the link above) can be public. But we also want to have a member specific functions like updating their contact details and profile but restricted with username and password.

11. May we know if the ABU membership and AVN membership use different subdomain OR just sub directory to login?

      Planned to have this as a subdomain.

12. One requirement mentioned in the RFP is that AVN member is able to chat and share document with each other, is the
      function similar to Facebook Messenger? Please advise.

      To be able to view and communicate with members who are online, yes maybe similar to Facebook Messenger.

13. Where is the page that displayed those audios and videos in the website content? Is it this page –    

      Any pages that requires such content.

14. Can you provide us a copy of Cyber security standards (ISO/IEC 27001:2013)?

      Please refer to this link

15. Can you give us a sample of context search result?

      You may find it here

      Not necessary that we should follow how google does it. It can be basic search function for now.