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  • April 20, 2022
  • Wednesday, 1PM to 4PM

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Asiavision Members – Advanced Social Media Content Creation Workshop

Wednesday, 1PM to 4PM
April 20, 2022


News Department

Event details

  • April 20, 2022
  • Wednesday, 1PM to 4PM

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Asiavision Members – Advanced Social Media Content Creation Workshop

Wednesday, 1PM to 4PM
April 20, 2022


We are thrilled to invite your enthusiastic Social Media reporters to join us for …

Advanced Social Media Content Creation for TikTok, Instagram & Facebook ?

 This training will last up to 3 hours so please allow your reporters to have the time to be fully committed to this training.

Please do register before March 15, as before the workshop, participants will need to prepare some footage to illustrate their News Reel.

We will also add you to private Facebook group when you register.

It promises to be a fun and informative sharing session.

Let’s create News Reels today on your broadcaster’s social media platform!

This workshop will show JOURNALISTS and REPORTERS how to upload news, anywhere and anytime.

Meet your amazing Trainer Kartini Ariffin

Kartini Ariffin is the founder Dbilique Media which pioneered independent, live-streaming television in Malaysia. Her digital channel produces unique and personality-driven content using Facebook Live as its platform. Tini originally trained as an accountant but wanting a bit more excitement in her life, she auditioned for Malaysia’s top television magazine show, targeted at youth and young women – 3R. Her 10-year stint on the program made Tini a household name and a journalist skilled at telling stories, both as a reporter and a producer. In the years since, she has completed an MA in Broadcast Journalism at the University of London, worked at management level in several Malaysian media outlets and become a HRDF Certified Trainer and an Accelerated Learning Practitioner. And that original degree is still useful as Tini manages the finances of her exciting startup.

 April 20th, 1300 Malaysia (+8GMT)

Please register here –

 After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.